Rocket Band Practice Sheet

Printable version

Quarter 2

Name ____________________________________________ Grade _________

Number of minutes practiced each day


I worked on…








Week Total

Parent Initial



Nov. 6

Scales, S/E music, Great Am. music










Nov. 13











Nov. 20











Nov. 27











Dec. 4











Dec. 11











Dec. 18











Jan 8











** This initialed sheet is due on: Tues. January 17 **

Practice goals per week


75 - 120 minutes = A

60 - 74 minutes = B

30 - 59 minutes = C

15 - 29 minutes = D

14 or fewer minutes = F

Practicing your instrument is your band homework.

You must fit "at home" practice into your personal and family schedule.

If you spend as little as 11 minutes a day, you can

earn an A. Have trouble practicing every day?

Put in extra time on the weekends.

Whatever schedule works for you is OK.

All practice times need to be recorded on this sheet with a parent/guardian signature to receive credit.

Please add these dates to your family calendar:   * Performance is required

Sunday Nov. 27 – 7/8 Band in Belgium Christmas Parade

Dec. 2-4 – UWM Middle Level Honors Band Festival – selected 8th grade students

Monday Dec. 12 – Winter Band concert – Grades 6/7/8 – CGBHS Gym 7:30 PM

Saturday, Feb. 18 – WSMA Solo/Ensemble Festival – 7/8 Band Members


Our White House of Music representative comes to CGBMS on Thursdays.  If you need to order reeds, oil, etc. please fill out their order form and place it (along with your payment to them) in a sealed envelope with "White House of Music" written on the front.  Give the sealed envelope to Mrs. MacRae.  They will also take care of all of their rental instrument repairs.  Their toll-free number is: (877)795-3484.  Our rep is Bill Shay.


Mr. Schieble does repairs on any privately-owned instruments.  He also comes to CGBMS on Thursdays and can take your instrument back to his shop in.Sheboygan.  Please fill out his form, which is in the band office.